Wednesday, October 22, 2008

if i died tonight

If I died tonight, who would care that I had lived?
If I died tonight, who would care?
Would they care that I had laughed,
that I had cried.
That I had loved and hated.
That I had forgave, felt pain and had
felt shame.
That I poured out my soul.
That I poured out my blood.
That I had married, divorced and
that my body never carried a child.
Would they care that I could not
sleep or that I slept too much.
That I drank too much; that I
thought and talked too much.
That I did not smile a lot.
That I abused my body and
that I allowed others to
use me
choose me
bend me but never break me.
That I
Caressed, possessed, touched, tasted
and gotten wasted because I could
never figure out what made the
world go round.
Would they know that for every night
I lay helpless; there was a day I was
Could they care that for every storm
that racked my brain; there would be
a day of peace.
Would they understand that for every
argument,black eye and night of
bruises and loss of control..
there came a day of absolute
If I died tonight... Who would care?

1 comment:

Legacy/Nusaiba said...

Ummmm...I felt that one.