Friday, October 28, 2011

hummmm, this thing called Writers Block

I guess i am not like most people when it comes to writers block. Most of my writer friends say that for them its a creative constipation and the blockage is so great that nothing gets through. Well for me it more like information overload.
The inside of my writing mind looks like a large apartment building that is tall and wide. Generally, i can walk up to this building and someone has left window open. I can stand there at the open window and write down what is going on with the people inside. However, on some occasions i will come to the building and suddenly everyone throws open their window all at once and wants, no demands, that i write down what is going in in their lives at that moment. There is too much noise and i get mentally still, like a deer caught in the headlights of a 18 wheeler, waiting for the inevitable to occur.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My solution is to change my routine. Change your work route. Take public transport. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in ages. Listen to a talk radio station you've never heard before. Type something very random into Google. Stuff like that.