so today i was typing up some pages that I had added to my novel, when in a moment of silence i had some questions pop into my head............
1)..who's Idea was it that we pay for food?....I mean, god made sure that when he placed us here all the food we needed was supplied. So why do I have to pay 2 dollars for bread?
2)why do I have to pay for a casket? why cant we just dig a hole and bury the dead.......
3) why do people kill in the name of god?..i mean isn't that a oxymoron to use kill and god in the same sentence.
4) Why aren't we afraid of angels?..... think about it... angels do some pretty scary shit!
5)Why should I take the medications a doctor gives me? have you ever watched those commercials where they are telling you about a medication and then they quickly list 50 other problems the 1 medication can cause......
7) Why did they invent Paramalat Milk?....the bigger question is why do I need milk with a 5 year shelf life??
8)Why am I considered overweight?...if I lived in Guam...i would be a sexy....
9)Why am I only allowed to have ONE husband when I CLEARLY need 5?
10)Why do I have to wear a bra in public? My girls( boobs) really want an answer........
11) WTF is up with the thought that humans evolved from Apes?...i am not an ape! never been an APE! husband might have come from Apes...but i cannot speak for him.
12) Why do we believe EVERYTHING in the bible? OK, if bible was written by MAN and inspired by do we know if the folks doing the writing weren't schizophrenic...i mean I wasn't there and neither were you........
13) How did the space travel come about? i mean really, all the calculations had to be estimations. So what did they tell the first astronauts.." hey fellas, we not really sure about how much air or fuel you will need to get to the moon, but if you make it you will be hero's"
14) Since we only use 10% of our brains, what the hell is going on in the other 90%?
15) Where do dreams come from? if we are dreaming about someone, are they dreaming about us?
16) why can't I bring some wine and cheese to the park ,dance naked if I am moved to do so without being arrested.
17)Why do I HAVE to be something...why can't i just be?
18)who says i have to be white, tall, blond and a size 6 to be happy? frankly, because i really am enjoying being short, fat and black....
19) Why is it that we don't feel our mortality until be have children?
20) Why have I been assigned the duty of a scribe?
21) drum rollllll please! how is it that every other species on earth knows, without question, their lot in life, except us humans?